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Home / All Product List / Beta-1,3-D Glucan 500 mg, 60 caps

Beta-1,3-D Glucan 500 mg, 60 caps

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Beta-1,3-D Glucan 500 mg, 60 caps

ลงประกาศเมื่อวันที่  :  25/04/2012
แก้ไขล่าสุด  :  22/08/2013
ราคา  3,000

Beta 1,3-D glucan is a complex carbohydrate or biopolymer of glucose, a simple sugar. Beta-1, 3-D glucan is the sole active ingredient in Beta glucan. It is derived from the cell walls of baker's yeast, making it the precise substance for which the actual glucan macrophage receptor has been identified. Beta-1, 3-D glucan is technically referred to as a polybranched polyglucose - so complex some refer to it as fiber.

The immune-enhancing properties of yeast cell walls were reported in 1939. But it wasn't until the 1960s that researchers identified Beta 1, 3-D glucan as the key molecule.
Since then, scientists at some of the world's pre-eminent universities and research institutions have conducted more than 800 Beta 1, 3-D glucan studies in animals and humans. This research confirms that Beta 1,3-D glucan produces multiple broadscale effects that strengthen the vitality of the immune system. Transfer Point Beta glucan Quality Assurance
Our product contains over 93% pure Beta 1,3/1,6 glucan carbohydrate complex, with low fat and protein content. The material in each bottle is independently tested and certified to ensure the material meets or exceeds the requirements of the material used in peer reviewed studies. Products on the market not substantially purified from baker's yeast or from other sources (i.e., grains, mushrooms, etc) require 10, 100 or 1000-fold doses to induce effect.

These factors combined are considered by many professionals to be the standard requirements for an effective, safe, and nontoxic product. They are manufactured to the strictest standards in state of the art US based manufacturing facilities. With over 200 patents protecting our beta glucan technology, no other supplier can come close to our superior quality.

Mode of Action
Beta-1, 3-D glucan works by activating immune cells known as macrophages, neutrophils and natural killer (NK) cells. These are your immune system’s first line of innate defense. They are responsible for finding, identifying, and consuming foreign substances in the body. Macrophages also control the activities of other important cells in the immune system. “Because macrophages can be found in almost every organ of our body, including the brain, they are in an ideal position to react." says Dr. Václav Vtvi ka.

Transfer Point uses only Beta glucan derived from baker’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). According to Dr. Russell L. Blaylock, “the most effective source of Beta 1,3 glucan is from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the one chosen by most researchers . Purity of the product is vital, since protein contaminants can cause untoward immune reactions.” That’s why each lot of our product is certified by independent laboratories for purity and potency.

Beta glucan has been proven to be effective when administered orally or intravenously, however, the latter would require daily visits to a physician. When taken orally, the macrophage obtains maximum activity and effectiveness after about 72 hours, then again reaches normal activity after about 144 hours.

“As it is a natural substance, there are no side effects and there is no danger of overdose. Clearly Beta Glucan is a natural, safe, specific and highly effective way to keep our immune system healthy.”
-Dr. Václav Vtvi ka

To maximize the benefits of Beta Glucan, it should always be taken on an empty stomach, with water. Wait at least 30 minutes before eating or drinking. Simple sugars would be broken down in the digestive system, converted into glucose, and used for energy. This does not occur with a complex carbohydrate like Beta Glucan. This polysaccharide is carried across the lining of the small intestine into the lymphatic system via M (microfold) cells in the Peyer's Patches. From the lymphatic system, the Beta Glucan is carried by phagocytes throughout the immune system and bone marrow. This provides for complete systemic activation of your immune system.

Transfer Point’s Beta Glucan has been researched and documented by some of the most prestigious universities in the world, including:

* Auburn University
* Brown University
* Cornell University
* University of Louisville
* University of Minnesota
* University of Massachusetts
* North Carolina A & T State University
* Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
* US Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute
* Defence Research Establishment Suffield, Canada

Researchers share comments about our product...
“The current study represents the first demonstration that a specific form of Beta 1,3-D glucan can enhance the immune system’s ability to kill anthrax spores, and that it can do so orally.”
-Gary R. Ostroff, PhD, at the 224th national meeting of the American Chemical Society

The U.S Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute Study found that systematic Beta 1,3-D glucan synergizes with cytokine and growth factor stimulation of hemotopoeisis (white blood cell formation) in the bone marrow following myelosupression. Initial preclinical results demonstrate that oral Beta glucan also provides a radiation protective effect.

“In one study, oral Beta 1,3 glucan administered alone reduced tumor weight by nearly half. But when used in conjunction with a monoclonal antibody. The average tumor weight shrank by more than 80%.”
-Gordon Ross, PhD, University of Louisville School of Medicine

The five key immune responses targeted by Beta glucan:

  1. Production of white blood cells
  2. Cellular mobilization
  3. Phagocytic capacity
  4. Production of reactive oxygen intermediates
  5. Helps shift from an overstimulated Th2 to a Th1 cell mediated immune response.

Beta glucan has been shown to directly increase hematopoiesis.
Hematopoiesis is the process by which your bone marrow produces stem cells. Stem cells are one of the most vital needs of your immune system, because stem cells ultimately become white blood cells.

Specialized types of white blood cells are called phagocytes; these include macrophages, neutrophils, and eosenophils. One function of these phagocytes is to engulf invaders (or any foreign substance) immediately, without question. This process is called phagocytosis.

Phagocytosis has also been tested and shown to be enhanced by our Beta glucan.
The phagocyte’s ability to engulf foreign substances is very important. The faster phagocytosis happens, the more debris the phagocyte can destroy. When a phagocyte digests an invader, it notifies the proper authorities (T cells), to let them know there is a foreign substance present. The T cells decide the best action to pursue in order to relieve the body of this foreign substance. Once the phagocyte presents the debris of the invader, the T cells have one of three options.

If the T cell initiates a cell mediated immune response, all phagocytes that have flocked to the site of infection are assisted by other specific white blood cells. This charge of cells is called chemotaxis.

Chemotaxis has been tested and shown to be enhanced by our Beta glucan.
When the phagocytes reach the site of invasion, they produce reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and reactive nitrogen intermediates (NOIs). These ROIs and NOIs include hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and nitric oxide (NO), and are very important in helping the phagocytes to rapidly destroy the invader. Transfer Point’s Beta glucan has been tested and shown to help phagocytes produce more ROIs and NOIs. Therefore, the faster the phagocytes reach the site of invasion, and use ROIs and NOIs, the faster the intruder’s position is compromised. However, if the T cell initiates a humoral immune response, B cells are notified to create plasma cells, which create antibodies to fight the infection. These antibodies are actually chemicals designed to tag a specific invader, and take about 21 days to fully develop. When the antibodies are ready, they are sent out to target the specific substance for which they are made. Until these antibodies are ready, it is up to the innate immunity to directly come in contact, hand to hand combat, and ultimately engulf the intrusive substance.

Innate immunity is what keeps you alive, until acquired immunity is established. In some cases, a person’s immune system programs itself to rely too much on a humoral (antibody) response versus a cell mediated immune response.

Transfer Point’s Beta glucan has been tested and shown to correct an over-shifted humoral response to a cell mediated immune response.
Anecdotal evidence and theory suggest this is helpful in allergies, autoimmune disease, and cancer.

“Nothing can take the place of a healthy immune system. When it functions properly, the body has all the ammunition it needs to ward off disease and combat illness. Most diseases are present in the body long before they give any outward manifestations, and are associated with a malfunctioning of the immune system.”
-A.J. Lanigan, Manufacturer

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